Contact us for an opportunity to speak and/or be on a panel at our next event! CALL US NOWEMAIL US NOWSPEAKERS OFFER KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE, INTEGRITY
National experts facilitate the exchange of knowledge with current industry information
Imperious prides itself on its ability to assemble speakers who are expert, entertaining, and nationally respected. These pros are a perfect complement to our roster of industry specialists who exhibit with us.
Each speaker is handpicked. More importantly, each is dedicated to developing and improving the medical cannabis and industrial hemp industries.
Representing our focus on informational diversity, past speakers have spoken on licensing, cultivation, insurance, distribution, lighting, carbon footprint, construction, security, best management practices, water, sustainability, and state-specific legal issues.
If there is a speaker you would like to hear at our next regional expo, or if you are a speaker that would like to share with our expo audiences, please click or call.
Speak at an Imperious event
If you feel you have industry depth and experience and have something relevant and valuable to share and are interested in speaking at an Imperious event, there are opportunities.
Everything in the education room is pro bono. The sole purpose is to educate. We don’t sell to the highest bidder.
We have a limited number of speaking positions available. Our line up consists of individual speakers as well as groups of speakers in panels who discuss topics such as marketing, networking, farming, investment, wellness, growing, etc. where experts in their respective fields speak about their specific area of expertise.
To inquire, please call or email Eric Norton.

Imperious CEO Eric Norton hanging out with keynote speakers Ed Rosenthal and Eric Brandstad at our last event.

Our speaking events have grown over the last 4 shows and have become one of the most important parts of our expos.
NOTE: This line-up will grow tremendously as we get closer to our Ark-La-Tex show date. Their stories, knowledge and achievements are quite amazing. You won’t want to miss a single speaking event. This is where we all learn and grow. Thank you!
10-10:45 | AM KeyNote | “Guru of Ganjasm” | Ed Rosenthal | ed@edrosenthal.com ryan@edrosenthal.com |
11 – 11:45 | 1 | Opening Remarks and Welcome | Melissa Fults, Sponsor of Arkansas Adult-Use Cannabis Amendment, Ark Marijuana Expungement Amendments for ’20 | melissa@drugpolicyeducation.org |
11:45 – 12:30 | 2 | TBD | TBD | |
12-12:45 | 1 | Opportunities & Risks in Today’s Hemp/CBD Industry & Market | Scott Cusack (Seed to Product CEO) – moderator Jody Hardin (President of Arkansas Hemp Brokers, LLC) Casey Flippo (Natvana LLC | CEO) Dr. Cliff Peck (Veterinarian, Pets) |
scott@waayb.com todd@cbdamericanshaman.com arkavore@gmail.com cflippo@natvana.com dena.rhoads@gmail.com |
12:45 – 1:30 | 2 | Licensing and Compliance Hiccups | Rob Cormier | rcormier@erigererapidus.com david@710security.com |
1 – 1:45 | 1 | Cannabis Chemistry: The Technology of Extraction & Processing #1 | Lejen Lotspeich (Carbon Chemistry) Vaughn Hartung (Luna Technologies) Casey Flippo (Natvana LLC | CEO) |
lejen@carbon-chemistry.com bryce@lunatechequipment.com cflippo@natvana.com |
1:45 – 2:30 | 2 | Use of Medical Cannabis: The Science & State of Affairs | Cindy Hoffmann – MHSA, FACMPE | Cindy@MedicalCANA.com |
2 – 2:45 | 1 | Growing Cannabis #1 | Mark Mobray (Grower) – moderator Craig Holden (Nutrients – Organic) Ricky Funderburg (Ops Manager at Arkansas Hemp Genetics) Troy Robson (VP Sales, Agnetex) |
markmobray@gmail.com craigh@sustane.com rickyfunderburg@gmail.com troy@agnetix.com |
2:45 – 3:15 | 2 | Entering Into The Cannabis/Hemp/CBD Markets | Trey Tijerna | trey@txcannaba.com |
3-3:45 | 1 | Cannabis Activism & Public Policy | Erika Gee (Gov. Relations Attorney AR, OK, MO) – moderator Melissa Fults (Sponsor of Arkansas Adult-Use Cannabis Amendment, Ark Marijuana Expungement Amendments for ’20) Austin Zamhariri Ryan Agnew |
EGee@wlj.com melissa@drugpolicyeducation.org Austin Zamhariri greenchangellc@yahoo.com |
3:30-4 | 2 | Voice of the Patient | Megan Mirfield | ladycannavist@gmail.com |
4-4:45 | 1 | Cannabis Edibles – Best Practices | Chef Michael Fattah (Edibles) – Solo | mfattah2@yahoo.com |
4 – 5 | 2 | Basic Marijuana Cultivation Seminar | Ed Rosenthal | ed@edrosenthal.com ryan@edrosenthal.com |
10-10:45 | AM KeyNote | TBD | Eric Brandstad | eric@ericbrandstad.com |
11 – 11:45 | 1 | CBD Product Development: Best Practices & Lessons Learned | Scott Cusack (Seed to Product CEO) – moderator Todd Underwood (CBD Amercan Shaman) |
todd@cbdamericanshaman.com scott@waayb.com |
11:45 – 12:30 | 2 | Branding, Promoting Cannabis and Hemp Products | Dan Angil (Co-Founder, CEO, Canamerica) | dan@cannamericabrands.com |
12 – 12:45 | 1 | Growing Cannabis and Cultivation #2 | Ryan Douglas (Master Grower/Consultant) – moderator Joel Perkins (Nutrients) Josh Conley (Next G3N Greenhouse) |
ryan@douglascultivation.com perkinsj@keygrowsolutions.com Mike.Still@nextg3ngreenhouse.com |
12:45 – 1:30 | 2 | How Topical CBD Affects Our Skin and Gene Expression | Kimberly Ridgeway (Ozark CBD) | ozarkcbd@gmail.com |
1 – 1:45 | 1 | Cannabis Chemistry: The Technology of Extraction & Processing #2 | Ryan Kenaga (Elf Extraction) Matt Vanden (Formulaction – stability, food/beverage, personal care) Kyler Buck (Luna Technologies) Lucas Haley (Chemical Engineer, Lab Director, Natvana LLC) |
ryan.kenaga@elfextraction.com matt.ve@formulaction.com bryce@lunatechequipment.com cflippo@natvana.com |
1:45 – 2:30 | 2 | Financial Panel (Accounting, Taxes, Payroll, etc) | Peter Prevot (CPA) Hope Piggee (Accounting) Ryan Mylam (Tax Specialist) Teresa Kearney (Payroll) Adam Grimmett |
pprevot@bridgewestcpas.com shanita@cannaaccountingservices.com Anna@polstontax.com teresa@panaceapayroll.com adamg@growbritegroup.com |
2 – 2:45 | 1 | Cannabinoids & You | Pauli Rotterdam (Audacious Farms) | audaciousfarms@gmail.com mel.endoscientific@gmail.com |
2:45 – 3:30 | 2 | Marketing Technology and Cannabis Compliance | Rafael Sabbagh | rafael@gurusystems.net |
3 – 3:45 | 1 | Advocating for Patient’s Rights | Lonnie Kessler (Director of Patient Advocacy for Mid-Missouri NORML) Karen Reeves (Centex Community Outreach) |
MedicalMissouri@Gmail.com Karensnorml@gmail.com |
3 – 4:20 | 2 | Professional Marijuana Cultivation Seminar | Ed Rosenthal | eric@ericbrandstad.com |