Check out who’s coming. We’re excited for the opportunity we all have to hear from these trailblazers in the Cannabis Industry. If you’re coming to the show, do NOT miss the sessions. You’ll have the opportunity to learn, grow, build relationships, forge alliances, interacting with your peers and these industry leaders/speakers.
FRIDAY | Room 105
Time: 11 – 11:25 am
Presenter: Aaron Smith
Presentation Title: KEYNOTE: National Cannabis Policy: An Insider’s Perspective
Presentation Description: Learn about the prospects for federal policy reform from a leading national voice for the industry.
Presenter Bio: Aaron Smith is Co-founder and CEO of the National Cannabis Industry Association, the largest trade association representing legal cannabis businesses in the U.S and the only one focusing on ensuring that the interests of small and independent businesses are represented in the national dialogue surrounding marijuana policy reform. Aaron has been a central figure throughout the modern history of the cannabis reform movement. Prior to launching NCIA, Aaron distinguished himself as a public advocate for marijuana policy reform — first under the auspices of a California-based medical cannabis advocacy group, Safe Access Now in 2005, and then as the California state policy director for the Washington, D.C.-based Marijuana Policy Project until founding NCIA in 2010.
Aaron has successfully built coalitions with elected officials on both sides of the aisle in order to advance marijuana law reform legislation. He has also been a keynote speaker or participated in panel discussions on cannabis policy and the role of the industry in driving reform at countless national events. Aaron’s opinion pieces have appeared in major newspapers, including the San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, and The New York Times, and he has been a frequent commentator on national television news networks. Originally from California, Aaron is currently based in Denver.
FRIDAY | Room 106
Time: 11:30 – 11:55 am
Presenter: Chip Paul
Presentation Title: Cannabis Health Properties You Should Know About It
Presentation Description: We will discuss the health properties of cannabis and the current research regarding your health and the endocannabinoid system. Please bring your questions!
Presenter Bio: Chip is a keynote speaker and media resource for medical cannabis, cannabis regulation, and the endocannabinoid system. Chip was a TedX speaker in 2022 on the endocannabinoid system. He is recognized as one of the world’s top theorists on both human function and the endocannabinoid system. Chip was instrumental in the organization and passage of medical marijuana laws in Oklahoma and continues to be involved in education and consulting for both commercial industry and regulatory bodies. He often appears on national and international shows including the Brighteon Network (Mike Adams, The Health Ranger), Coast to Coast AM, and LindellTV. Chip does a weekly podcast which can be found at chiptalkspodcast.com and Chip and his wife Cynthia operate a non-medical health clinic in Ada called Neighborly Nutrition (www.neighborlynutrition.com).
FRIDAY | Room 105
Time: 12:00 – 12:55 pm
Presenters: Moderator: Tim Delaney with Brian Caldwell, Jeremy Babbitt, Adrian Fresh Off The Press, Willie Bean
Panel Name: Solvent Hash Making: Questions and Answers with an expert panel of expert hash makers.
Panel Description: Expert single source processors from Oklahoma & California answering your questions on making bubble hash, concentrates, pens and much more . Come get your questions answered.
FRIDAY | Room 106
Time: 12:00 – 12:25 pm
Presenters: Kirk Reid
Presentation Title: How I beat opiods and handle my MS
Panel Description: Kirk treats his MS daily with flower, edibles and tinctures. His MS has caused him to lose most of his vision, but this doesn’t stop him from creating in the kitchen. Lately he has specialized in Freeze Dried Foods and Candies, offering a variety of choices to patients! Be sure to check out Kirk Reid and Captain Kirk’s Edibles while at the Expo.
FRIDAY | Room 106
Time: 12:30 – 12:55 pm
Presenter: Bark Eller
Presentation Title: The Intersection of Soil Biology & Mineralization for Regenerative Farming
Presentation Description: Bart combines the research of regenerative soil science pioneers like Dr. William Albrecht, Dr. Elaine Ingham, and Dr. Kristin Nichols into a practice that is uniquely his own. Soil microbes are critical to the process but anyone familiar with cultivating hemp plants knows they can consume more nutrients than almost any other crop. Because of this, it is crucial to overall plant health and yield to introduce the right amount of mineral nutrition, in the proper ratios, into the soil before planting. With hundreds of products on the market, all claiming to be the next big thing, Bart helps distill it down to the top 20 natural inputs that can drive all of the growth and plant health you need to be more profitable than your competitors. From bypassing biochar to getting your compost application right, Bart bucks the trends saving you time and money this season.
Presenter Bio: As the founder and Executive Director of Paonia Soil Co. Bart Eller has helped hundreds if not thousands of clients with their soil. His unorthodox methods are rooted in soil science and he helps these folk to be the top organic producers in their region
FRIDAY | Room 105
Time: 1:00 – 1:25 pm
Presenter: Lance Lambert
Presentation Title: While many put a strong emphasis on growing, seasoned cultivators know that growing is only half the battle. In this session we will discuss the importance of putting as much energy in effort in how you dry, trim, cure, package and store your flower as you do producing it.
Bio: Lance C. Lambert – Lance has spent years cultivating brands and telling stories, formerly in the mainstream digital media and marketing space with companies like Scripps and AutoTrader prior to making the jump to the legal cannabis industry. Since a shift in late 2013, Lance has helped build big name industry brands like Weedmaps, The Cannabist, GreenBroz and Green Flower. He has had a strong focus on marketing and business development, taking these brands global. Along the way he has established a substantial network around the world, a huge help when writing a monthly column on international legalization.
Lance more recently brought his varied knowledge and passion-first attitude to Grove Bags, where he’s been tasked with growing the company’s footprint with an eye toward moving into emerging markets around the globe. As a cancer survivor, and having grown up in Northern California, he has seen firsthand and embraced the benefits of cannabis, and how it can be an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. Having spent the past several years speaking at expos and conventions, he enjoys connecting with other advocates who are interested in the different facets this blossoming industry has to offer.
FRIDAY | Room 106
Time: 1:00 – 1:25 pm
Presenter: Aaron Clay A.K.A. Slim
Presentation Title: The Story of Carter Creek Cannabis
Presenter Bio: Aaron Clay, A.K.A. “Slim”, is the founder and CEO of Carter Creek Cannabis located in Mount Herman, Oklahoma. Carter Creek Cannabis was established in 2019 when medical cannabis became legal in the state. Slim’s mission is to bring awareness to the dangers of the opioid crisis and fentanyl all over the country; one of his mottos being “Plants Over Pills”. Slim aims to bring the message of God into the grow room in the most positive way possible. Throughout his platforms, he posts daily “Growers Tip of the Day” which discusses real life circumstances and the Gospel
FRIDAY | Room 106
Time: 1:30 – 1:55 pm
Presenter: Pauli Roterdam
Presentation Title: What is medical marijuana? What makes it medicinal?
Presentation Description: They are going to explain five different types of cannabinoids; acidic, neutral, degraded, variable, and oxidative. I’m going to talk about how powerful they are versus other cannabinoids and how important all the cannabinoid’s are not just THC as well as the terpenes.
Presenter bio: Geneticist, field & clinical research scientist for cannabis hemp and food! I am one of the first breeders and researchers in Hemp. I also opened the first recreational dispensary in the United States. I’m serve Functional medicine doctors and holistic medicine physicians. I’m own a research and wellness company and also founded a non profit dedicated to helping other be healthy and happy.
: They are going to explain five different types of cannabinoids; acidic, neutral, degraded, variable, and oxidative. I’m going to talk about how powerful they are versus other cannabinoids and how important all the cannabinoid’s are not just THC as well as the terpenes.
Presenter bio: Geneticist, field & clinical research scientist for cannabis hemp and food! I am one of the first breeders and researchers in Hemp. I also opened the first recreational dispensary in the United States. I’m serve Functional medicine doctors and holistic medicine physicians. I’m own a research and wellness company and also founded a non profit dedicated to helping other be healthy and happy.
FRIDAY | Room 105
Time: 2:00 – 2:25 pm
Presenter: Alexander Schroeder
Presentation Title: Implementing Effective IPM Best Practices for Successful Cannabis Cultivation
Presentation Description: Gain valuable insights and practical strategies for implementing Integrated Pest Management (IPM) best practices in cannabis cultivation. Optimize crop health and maximize productivity with the knowledge and tools provided in this informative presentation.
Presenter bio: Alexander Schroeder is a highly experienced professional with over 20 years of experience in the cannabis industry. He currently serves as the Growers Market Segment Manager for AP&G Catchmaster, a leading manufacturer of Professional IPM tools. Prior to this role, Alexander was awarded two permits for cannabis cultivation and distribution from the City of Cotati, showcasing his expertise in the industry. His experience also includes working as a Territory Sales Manager for Vital Garden Supply, a Product Representative for Royal Gold, and a Northern California Territory Manager for Botanicare. With Botanicare, he played a key role in Research and Development and sales, contributing to the development of innovative products and brokering the sale of popular plant food brands. Alexander’s extensive knowledge in organic farming practices, direct-to-farm relations, hydroponics, soil science, IPM practices, and cannabis quality makes him a valuable asset to the industry.
FRIDAY | Room 105
Time: 2:30 – 3:00 pm
Presenter: Summer Jenkins and Amber Brown
Presentation Title: Cannabis Insurance, Sham or Key to Business Security
Presentation Description: Insurance is often the last purchase for cannabusiness owners. But should it be the first? What does it cover? How do you know? And what’s up with the new bond requirement for cultivators? Come and get the answers to these questions and many more.
Presenter bios: Summer Jenkins leads One General Agency’s specialty division for cannabis, serving as the Executive Director of Cannabis Insurance Wholesalers.
Amber Brown is a leads Underwriter at Cannabis Insurance Wholesalers, a specialty division of One General Agency. Brown has eleven years experience in the insurance industry and has a passion for the cannabis industry. Amber is a proud Oklahoma native and volunteers her time mentoring others as a member of several professional organizations including BigIOK, FILO and the Oklahoma Cannabis Insurance Industry Association. Amber enjoys spending time with her dog Rizzo, hiking, painting and meditating.
FRIDAY | Room 106
Time: 2:00 – 2:55 pm
Presenter: Richard L. Delong
Presentation Title: The Pros & Pros of Freeze Drying Cannabis
Presentation Description: We will cover the basic components of a freeze dryer, and what their functions are. Also ,the stages of water removal involved in the most perfect method of botanical preservation known. And of course, the myriad of reasons why companies should consider freeze drying in their post harvest of cannabis and hemp.
Presenter Bio: Rich DeLong has been involved in all aspects of freeze drying for 35 years. His company, CannaFREEZE currently distributes 8 models of industrial freeze dryers that are custom manufactured to his specifications for the cannabis, and hemp industries. Using proprietary algorithms that control time, temperature, and vacuum, his equipment produces cannabis flower with more THC, and terpenes than any other drying method.
SATURDAY | Room 105
Time: 11:00 – 11:55 am
Presenter: Opening Keynote: Ed Rosenthal
Presentation Description: Pesentation Description: Ed shows you how to make both craft and commercial cultivation much easier using well-tested KISS methods that are easy to set up, require little or no energy to run and that free you from many of the constant chores associated with both indoor and outdoor cultivation.
SATURDAY | Room 105
Time: 12:00 – 12:55 pm
Presenters: Moderator: Tim Delaney with Brian Caldwell, Jeremy Babbitt, Adrian Fresh Off The Press, Willie Bean
Panel Name: Solvent Hash Making: Questions and Answers with an expert panel of expert hash makers.
Panel Description: Expert single source processors from Oklahoma & California answering your questions on making bubble hash, concentrates, pens and much more . Come get your questions answered.
SATURDAY | Room 106
Time: 12:00 – 12:25 pm
Presenter: Estella Castro, Tara Quinn, Laura Hasbun, and Ana Gabriela Ibarra Moure a.k.a “La Blunt Babe
Presentation Title: Panel on Mental Health and Cannabis
Presentation Description: A chat with trailblazing females in the cannabis industry, overcoming challenges, healing their mental health and finding balance between plant and modern medicine.
SATURDAY | Room 106
Time: 12:30 – 12:55 pm
Presenter: Chef Turtle
Presentation Title: Learn about different types of infusions, proper dosing, and why Terpenes are important!
Presentation description: during this presentation, you will learn about the different definitions of types of Infusions. You will have a better understanding of how to properly dose along with gauge loss. And we will be going over a breakdown of different kinds of Turpines and why they are important to understanding why cannabis strains affect you in different manners.
Presenter bio: My name is Chef Turtle and I am a cannabis infusion consultant, published author, infusion Chef, Public Speaker, and influencer. I started my business in 2020 to help patients better understand how to infuse their cannabis into their own recipes. From there, I created a culinary show “Chef Turtle’s Infusion Kitchen”, wrote/published my infusion guide book, along with working with different nonprofits and veterans organizations to help patients everywhere. My goal is to give patients a better understanding about a natural plant medicine and help break the stigma.
SATURDAY | Room 105
Time: 1:00 – 1:25 pm
Presenter: Thunder Walker
Presentation Title: Not One Word About My Dirt
Presentation Description: Join us for an engaging and enlightening presentation, “Not One Word About My Dirt,” presented by the esteemed Ms. Thunder Walker. This captivating session will explore the fascinating world of cannabis real estate within Oklahoma’s Green Zone, shedding light on the immense opportunities and unique challenges that this emerging market presents. As a renowned expert in the cannabis industry and a passionate advocate for sustainable and responsible business practices, Ms. Thunder Walker will guide attendees through the intricacies of cannabis real estate in the Green Zone. Drawing from her extensive knowledge and experiences, she will provide valuable insights into the legal and regulatory framework, zoning requirements, and licensing processes specific to cannabis properties in Oklahoma.
During this presentation, Ms. Thunder Walker will share compelling case studies and success stories, illustrating how cannabis real estate has transformed communities, stimulated economic growth, and created a myriad of employment opportunities. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the factors that drive successful cannabis real estate investments, including location selection, property development, and compliance with state and local regulations. Moreover, Ms. Thunder Walker will emphasize the importance of sustainability and eco-conscious practices within the cannabis industry, highlighting the potential for green initiatives and energy-efficient designs in cannabis real estate projects.
“Not One Word About My Dirt” is a must-attend presentation for investors, entrepreneurs, and industry professionals seeking to explore the exciting potential of cannabis real estate in Oklahoma’s Green Zone. Join us as we uncover the strategies, best practices, and emerging trends that will shape the future of this dynamic industry. Secure your spot today and gain the knowledge and inspiration to make informed decisions in the world of cannabis real estate.
Presenter Bio: Ms. Thunder Walker is a passionate and influential figure in the cannabis industry, recognized as the founder and owner of Proud Mary Cannabis, a renowned cannabis establishment based in Oklahoma City. Thunder is the Regional Executive Director of Women’s Cannabis Chamber of Commerce – Oklahoma. With her unwavering dedication to advocacy and her remarkable achievements as a national speaker and brand ambassador for The Thunder Walker Experience, she has solidified her position as a prominent voice in the industry. As a mother to a daughter who is autistic, Ms. Thunder Walker has firsthand experience with the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities and their families. This personal journey has fueled her commitment to advocating for the rights and well-being of people with disabilities, particularly in the context of cannabis. She tirelessly lobbies for increased access to cannabis as a therapeutic option, striving to improve the lives of those who can benefit from its medicinal properties.
Ms. Thunder Walker’s expertise and passion extend beyond advocacy. She is a captivating speaker who captivates audiences with her profound insights into the cannabis industry and its potential for positive change. Her ability to engage and inspire has made her a sought-after national speaker, addressing audiences at prestigious conferences and events. As a brand ambassador for The Thunder Walker Experience, Ms. Thunder Walker embodies the values of transparency, education, and empowerment. Through her platform, she actively promotes the understanding and acceptance of cannabis, advocating for its responsible use and the exploration of its potential benefits.
Ms. Thunder Walker’s remarkable journey as a business owner, advocate, and mother has shaped her into a compassionate and powerful force within the cannabis industry. Her unwavering dedication to improving the lives of individuals with disabilities, her insightful speeches, and her commitment to promoting the positive aspects of cannabis have earned her a well-deserved reputation as a visionary leader and an influential advocate.
SATURDAY | Room 106
Time: 1:00 – 1:25 pm
Presenter: Brandon Rust
Presentation Title: Understanding nutrient dynamics
Presentation Description: Come learn about nutrient dynamics, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycling.
Presenter Bio: Brandon Rust has been cultivating cannabis for 20+ years, originally from San Diego, he moved to Oklahoma and works in the legal market, as an owner operator and as a private consultant. Brandon owns Bokashi Earthworks, as well as a consulting company “earthworks agriculture”. Bokashi Earthworks manufacturers organic soils specifically blended for cannabis production. The company also distributes humate fertilizer developed by NASA agricultural technologies and is involved in manufacturing microbial consortiums for the use in agriculture, bioremediation and green waste recycling.
SATURDAY | Room 105
Time: 1:30 – 1:55 pm
Presenter: Simon Kepchar moderated by Tim Delaney
Presentation Title: Innovations in Indoor IPM
Presentation Description: Join us for a 30-minute talk on “Innovations in Indoor IPM” where we will explore the groundbreaking IntraLight technology revolutionizing integrated pest management in indoor growing environments. Discover how IntraLight’s innovative pesticidal light treatment technology offers a safe and effective alternative to traditional pesticides, enhancing crop protection, reducing costs, and promoting sustainable indoor farming practices.
Presenter Bio: Simon Kepchar is the co-founder and CEO of IntraLight, a leading innovator in sustainable agriculture. With a decade of experience in agricultural consulting, Simon is revolutionizing crop protection practices through his pioneering work in pesticidal light treatment.
SATURDAY | Room 106
Time: 1:30-2:25 pm
Presenter: Justin Lehmann, Rasta/BeLeaf, Delohery Destiny Genetics, Hawaiin Budlines
Presentation Title: Breeder Panel
Presentation Description: Four incredible figures that know cannabis breeding in and out, and from all angles. This is an open panel discussion with audience participation! Justin Lehmann leads the panel and is an independent grassrooted 5th generation documented Midwestern Farmer/Trap Farmer/Breeder & Polymath in the midst of a cannabis cultural awakening. Beleaf Cannabis is a trusted source for amazing selected phenos for licensed Growers out Rasta is out of Tulsa Oklahoma. Destiny Genetics is from Guerneville, California and we provide Indica Dominant, fast flowering feminized seeds that produce high terps and high yields. Using the natural gifts of Hawaii, Hawaiian Budline’s farm is in a tropical rainforest on the slopes of the largest mountain in the Pacific Ocean.
Presenter Bio: Justin Lehmann owner of PSGX.WORLD & Prairie State Genetix is an Artist, Breeder, 5th Generation Midwest Indoor/Outdoor Urban Farmer and a 21st century cannabis Cultural Figure in the midst of a culture revival through cannabis genetics.
Presenter Bios: Justin Lehmann/PSGXWORLD – Justin is an independent grassrooted 5th generation documented Midwestern Farmer/Trap Farmer/Breeder & Polymath in the midst of a cannabis cultural awakening.
Rasta/Beleaf Cannabis – Beleaf Cannabis is a trusted source for amazing selected phenos for licensed Growers out Rasta is out of Tulsa Oklahoma.
Delohery/Destiny Genetics – Destiny Genetics is from Guerneville, California and we provide Indica Dominant, fast flowering feminized seeds that produce high terps and high yields.
Hawaiian Budline – Using the natural gifts of Hawaii, Hawaiian Budline’s farm is in a tropical rainforest on the slopes of the largest mountain in the Pacific Ocean.
SATURDAY | Room 105
Time: 2:00-2:25 pm
Presenter: Austin Zamhariri
Presentation Title: Texas Cannabis Policy
Presenter Bio of Speaker: Austin Zamhariri is the Executive Director of the Texas Cannabis Collective, a nonprofit focused on breaking news, advocacy, and community events in the Texas cannabis space.
Since 2016, Austin has served DFW and the Texas marijuana reform movement by lobbying legislators in Austin and testifying for decriminalization and medical cannabis bills. He has also worked on several campaigns to decriminalize marijuana at the local level across the state.
SATURDAY | Room 105
Time: 2:30-2:55 pm
Presenter: Donnie Gum
Presentation Title: Compliant Mindset: Focus of the future.
Presentation Description: This presentation is to inform Oklahoma Cannabis business owners of the shift from the “hand holding phase” to true accountability from the regulatory body. Donnie served time with OMMA as a Compliance Inspector until May of 2023 and has been uniquely positioned to prepare the Industry for the current regulatory atmosphere.
SATURDAY | Room 106
Time: 2:30 – 2:55 pm
Presenter: BeLeaf/Rasta
Presentation Title: Loving and Respecting Cannabis and Bro Science
Presentation Description: Too many people mishandle Cannabis. Come learn the intricate details about how BeLeaf does what they do.
Presentation Description: With over 34 years experience cultivating this magical cultivar and now years of hunting, breeding and sharing the fire, BeLeaf is a staple in the industry among the top breeders in the world. With the massive and overwhelming success of the initial drops of seeds and clones that are shipped worldwide BeLeaf is the foremost leader in new breeding practices.
SATURDAY | Room 106
Time: 3:00-3:55 pm
Presenter: Chef Turtle
Presentation Title: Basic Cannabis Infusion Workshop
Presentation Description: During this workshop, we will be going over all of the different infusion recipes that are in my guidebook. We will be discussing proper dosing, gauge loss, different definitions of Infusions, Terpenes, and More!
Presenter Bio: My name is Chef Turtle and I am a cannabis infusion consultant, published author, infusion Chef, Public Speaker, and influencer. I started my business in 2020 to help patients better understand how to infuse their cannabis into their own recipes. From there, I created a culinary show “Chef Turtle’s Infusion Kitchen”, wrote/published my infusion guide book, along with working with different nonprofits and veterans organizations to help patients everywhere. My goal is to give patients a better understanding about a natural plant medicine and help break the stigma